by Brittany Kafka, Registered Physiotherapist
We are always trying to achieve balance in our personal and professional lives, but how about your body’s physical ability to balance? Just as balance is essential in the personal and professional domains, it is essential to our health and vitality, especially with aging.
People tend to think that their balance is fixed and that they just have ‘bad balance.’ However, the good news is that balance is malleable and can be improved with practice. Working on your balance would be a great New Year’s Resolution for 2024!
We have two types of balance: static and dynamic. Static balance is your ability to maintain your position in a still posture (i.e. standing on one foot), and dynamic balance is your ability to maintain an upright posture while moving (i.e. walking). Both static and dynamic f balance are important in our daily lives regardless of age. If you want to help prevent falls and injuries, working on balance is instrumental.
At home, here are a few basic things you can start doing to help improve your balance now.
Standing on one leg: Stand in front of a counter or wall, and try to balance on one foot, working up to being able to stand for 30 seconds on each foot 3 times a day. Use the counter or wall as necessary to help.

Tight rope walking: In a narrow hallway, walk as if you’re on a tightrope, touching the heel of the front foot to the toe of the back foot with each step. Use the walls as needed to maintain your balance. Try to do 6 hallway lengths every day.

Reverse Lunges: Start with your feet together, take a step back with one leg, placing your toes down but keeping your heel up. From this position slowly lower down so that both knees are at approximately 90-degree angles. Rise back up, and bring the back foot to meet the front foot. Repeat on the other side. Try and complete 8 times on each side for 2 sets a day.

One’s ability to balance is dependent on several factors including strength, vision, inner ear health, proprioception, mobility, and confidence. Physiotherapy addresses balance improvements through direct practice, proprioception training, strength training, and mobility work as necessary in all populations. As a physiotherapist, we can assess and identify any deficits that may exist and address those specifically with you.