Synergy Movement Therapy Director

Wednesdays 11-11:45 am
May 20, 27, June 3, 10
$20. per class + HST

This four week series will progress from:

  • Whole Body Release
  • Lower Body, Hips and Lumbar Spine
  • Upper Body, Shoulders and Neck
  • Whole Body Movement

Props required: 1 tennis ball, 1 red & 1 blue theraband, 1 hand towel, 1 exercise mat, 1 pillow.

These classes are suitable for anyone who wants to move more efficiently and is not in acute pain. Progressing from releasing tension and creating ease of movement, to regional and global strengthening. Empowers self awareness through embodied biomechanics easily applicable to activities of daily life or sport or activity.

You can do all four classes as a progression or sign up for just the classes that you would like to take.

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Whole Body Release
This class will cover self massage / self release techniques from the feet to the head. Something for everyone – whether you are a runner or suffer from headaches. The goal of this class is to reduce tension and create ease of movement.

Lower Body, Hips and Lumbar Spine
Strengthen from the feet, up through the knees, hips and lumbar spine, this class will target key areas and concepts such as knee tracking, and hip abductor and hip extensor strengthening. Efficient hip and lower chain movement is key to healthy lumbar spine movement. The goal of this class is strengthening and modifications from simple to challenging will be given.

Upper Body, Shoulders and Neck
This class will cover thoracic spine mobility, scapular stabilization and rotator cuff strengthening, and their importance in shoulder and neck health. The goal of this class is strengthening and modifications from simple to challenging will be given.

Whole Body Movement
This class will incorporate aspects from the Lower Body, Hips and Lumbar Spine Class and the Upper Body, Shoulders and Neck Class to strengthen global movement patterns. The goal of this class is strengthening and modifications from simple to challenging will be given.

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